Updates, Adoption Fee, Deposit, Questionnaire, Recommendations on Owning a Bernedoodle, Sample Contract, and Waiting List


Born Feb 2, 2024 Born 1-29-2024 Born 2-6-2024

5-4-2024 Today was the last playday of the 3, February litters. Next, will be the Reunion on June 1 at 3pm. I hope those that adopted a pup in the past will return. There will be refreshments and snacks available. ll families start visiting on the 4 week and thereafter until the pups go home. The next breeding (s) will be this summer with pups going home in the late fall. Now would be great time for families to get on the waiting list and receive a high choice of their pick on the 7th week. The questionnaire is below, if interested send it in with your deposit.

Prior to a family making the selection of their pup, they may start viewing them at 4 weeks and weekly thereafter on Saturdays (within a 45 minute window between 9am and 3pm) until they go home. Before puppies are born, prospective owners may come to the house and meet us, see where the pups will be raised, and ask questions. I am in Burien about 5 minutes away from SeaTac in the Seahurst neighborhood. After the puppies go home and since they should not be around other dogs until they are fully vaccinated, I offer playdays every two weeks and they are 4 months old. This gives the owners a chance to talk and the puppies to play in a safe enviroment.

Adoption Fee:
The adoption fee is $2,800 for bi-colors and $3,800 for tri's or sables. A $500 non-refundable deposit along with the questionnaire below, lines up families to make their pick at 7 weeks with the final payment due upon pick-up at 8 weeks. In each litter, I reserve the right to withold a puppy for donation or placement. In the recent litter, I will be doing that with just 1 puppy.

Questionnaire, Sample Contract, Recommendations on owning a Bernedoodle:
To fill out a questionnaire - (Word version) for owning a puppy, click on one of the links provided.

To review the contract, that the questionnaire references. It is intended to protect both parties and is signed off on upon pick-up of the puppy.

To view recommendations about owning a Bernedoodle choose the link provided.

Time Frame:
Typically there are 5-10 puppies in a litter. The families shown below will be choose based on the date of their deposit. Once a deposit is placed, the owner has the option of the current litter, or to wait for a future litter. If identified, their preference of sex, size and coloring is shown - This gives others knowledge of who they may be leaning towards and helps me choose the appropriate sire for those highest on the list. Families have the right to change their choice as shown.

Waiting List - Next Litter:
  Brian & Erin - Either - Tri/Any - #45-55 Roll-over from the 3 February litters.
  Monica - Either - Bi - #46-65

Managing the List:
In the event litters are larger than anticipated, or if a family needs to roll over, those lower on the list will be contacted to determine their interest. If someone does rollover, they will be placed on the list numerically, based on the date of their deposit or their desired time frame in the future. If anyone can think of something more fair, please advise.

Below are some pictures of last years litters. More litter pictures are on the Puppies/Parents page.

Born Sept 23, 2021 Born Sept 23, 2021 Born Sept 23, 2021
Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222
Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222