Updates, Adoption Fee, Deposit, Questionnaire, Recommendations on Owning a Bernedoodle, Sample Contract, and Waiting List


3-13-25 - Abbie is not gaining weight. Her base weight (at breeding) was 87.6. I weighed her Tuesday and she lost a pound. I'll continue to weigh her weekly and hope the trend turns around. Since she lost weight, I cancelled the ultrasound. If she does start gaining weight, at 8+ weeks, I will do the pre-whelping x-ray. Better news, after a heat cycle off, since she had a litter of 11 last summer, Liberty will be bred when she comes in season again which should be in May or June.
3-2-25 - Doctor advised an ultrasound anytime after Monday, March 10. I plan to set an appointment for that to determine if Abbie's TCI (transcervical insemination) took.
2-10-25 Abbie came into season 1-28-25. Her progesterone testing has been as follows: Tuesday 2-4-25 0.3, Friday 2-8-25 2.7 and today/Monday 2-10-25 14.25. The semen will be shipped today from Ohio today and she will have a transcervical insemination tomorrow at about 11am at a time when her progestrone should be over 20 (ideal). Please pray for our collection and the Doctor. Some prior updates have been removed.
1-28-25 Abbie came into season today and will be bred in a couple of weeks. Puppies would go home in about mid-June.
1-10-25 Looking forward to Abbie's upcoming season and breeding to a stud on the east coast for all tri-color mini's.
12-15-24 - Just waiting for Abbie to come into seaon. I like to think I am a responsible and only breed for the desire of families. Liberty is taking a season off and Abbie should coming into season anytime. (Once a girl comes into season, it is about 4 months before the pups go home and 3 months for when families may start visiting them.)

Prior to a family making the selection of their pup, they may start seeing them at 4 weeks and weekly thereafter. Before puppies are born, prospective owners may come to the house and meet us, see where the pups will be raised, and ask any questions. We are in Burien in the Seahurst neighborhood. After the puppies go home and since they should not be around other dogs until they are fully vaccinated, I offer playdays every two weeks until they are 4 months old. This gives the owners a chance to talk and the puppies to play in a safe enviroment. Annually, there is a reunion that families are welcomed to come back for.

Adoption Fee:
Please call for the adoption fee. A $500 non-refundable deposit along with the questionnaire below, lines up families to make their pick at 7 weeks with the final payment due upon pick-up at 8 weeks. In each litter, we reserve the right to withold a puppy for myself, donation or placement. Zelle, PayPal or personal check are payment options. We are available locally and ship nationally.

Questionnaire, Sample Contract, Recommendations on owning a Bernedoodle:
To fill out a questionnaire - (Word version) for owning a puppy, click on the link provided.

To review the contract, that the questionnaire references. It is intended to protect both parties and is signed off on upon pick-up of the puppy.

To view recommendations (we are updating this) about owning a Bernedoodle choose the link provided.

Time Frame:
Typically there are 5-10 puppies in a litter. The families shown below will be choose based on the date of their deposit. Once a deposit is placed, the owner has the option of the current litter, or to wait for a future litter. If identified, their preference of sex, size and coloring is shown - This gives others knowledge of who they may be leaning towards and helps me choose the appropriate sire for those highest on the list. Families have the right to change their choice as shown.

Waiting List - Spring/Summer 2025 Litter - Families are asked what they would like in sex, coloring and size:
  Amanda - Either - Tri - #25-35
  Monica - Female - Tri - #25-35
  Elizabeth & Josh - Either - Tri - #35-45
  Keith & family - Either - Tri - #45-55
  Peggy & David - Female - Tri - #25-35
  Jeannette & William - Female - Tri - #25-35
  Diane and Sharon - Either - Tri - #45-55

Managing the List:
In the event a litter is larger than anticipated, or if a family needs to rollover, those lower on the list will be contacted to determine their interest. If someone does rollover, they will be placed on the list numerically, based on the date of their deposit or their desired time frame in the future. If anyone can think of something more fair, please advise.

We thought this was funny...There is a series of 3 photos that we put in a loop. Notice the basket getting further away from the wall then a puppy coming up the back bumps her off.

Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222 Born April 18, 20222